from: Calmia Dacell < >

to: Ron James < >

date: Jul 20, 20XX, 6:11 AM

subject: Re: Answer


Calmia Dacell

to Ron James


Honestly, you’re worrying everybody sick! Mrs Palmer down at Fulton said someone came and had you discharged a few months ago. Was it that Samuel person you keep talking about everytime I come to visit? I know I’ve been busy with work so the last time I saw you was summer last year, but you know how hard I’ve been having it with Mom and Dad too. I wish you would at least try to call somebody back, but thankfully one of my coworkers at the law firm helped me track down your email! I know you’re going to see this, so can you at least write back so my anxiety will stop spiking up?? And I hope you at least have been taking your Clozapine or Clozapril or whatever the doctors were making you take. And remember you need to be taking your cell supplements if you are doing so! Anyway, please email me.

Much concern, your worried sister.